Template Engine Samples

WebInStats Template Engine

WebInStats Template Engine Basic Usage

We are going to use the variables below for examples

Variables = {



   “date”:”2019-04-23 12:34:00″,




         {“id”:1,”name”:”First Product”,”price”:”1200.241″} , 

         {“id”:2,”name”:”Second Product”,”price”:”3600″}



Sample : Hello {{name}},

Returns : Hello John,

Write different texts if value exists or not exists

You can use # to check if variable has a value. To add default value (if variable not exists or empty) you can use ^ in front of variable

Sample : Hello {{#name}}Your Name is {{name}} {{/name}} {{^name}} NoName; {{/name}}

Returns : Hello  Your Name is John


You can use conditions to write different text in different values You not use if conditions in arrays.

Sample : {{#if $name==”John”}} Hello my dear friend John{{else}}Hello {{name}} {{/if}}

Returns :  Hello my dear friend John

Sample : {{#if $quantity<3}} Only A few product left. Hurry up.{{else}} It’s in stock. {{/if}}

Returns :  Only A few product left. Hurry up.

Array Values

Sample : {{#products}}### {{.name}} – {{.id}} – {{.price}} @@@{{/products}}

Returns : ###First Product – 1 – 1200 @@@ ###Second Product – 2 – 3600 @@@


Helpers allows you to modify variable or text block value.

Helper types are :

@lowercase : {{name | @lowercase}} returns : john

@uppercase : {{name | @uppercase}} returns : JOHN

@camelcase : {{@camelcase}} hELLo {{name}} {{/@camelcase}} returns : Hello John

@round : {{@round}}18374.44247{{/@round}} returns : 18374.44

@round0 :{{@round0}}18374.44247{{/@round0}} returns : 18374

@numberformat : {{total_price | @numberformat}} returns : 4,800.24

@numberformat0 :{{total_price | @numberformat0}} returns : 4,800

@numberformatcomma : {{total_price | @numberformatcomma}} returns : 4.800,24

@numberformatcomma0 :{{total_price | @numberformatcomma}} returns : 4.800

@dateformat : {{date |@dateformat}} returns : 23/04/2019

@datetimeformat : {{date |@datetimeformat}} returns : 23/04/2019 12:34:00

@dateformat_monthfirst : {{date |@dateformat_monthfirst}} returns : 04/23/2019

@datetimeformat_monthfirst : {{date |@datetimeformat_monthfirst}} returns : 04/23/2019 12:34:00

@substr10 : {{@substr10}}1234567890123456789012345678901234567890{{/substr10}} returns : 1234567890

@substr15 : {{@substr15}}1234567890123456789012345678901234567890{{/substr10}} returns :123456789012345

@substr20 : {{@substr20}}1234567890123456789012345678901234567890{{/substr10}} returns :123456789012345678901234567890

@product_detail : This helper gets product information from BIG Data system using product Ids.

{{!!! @product_detail | recommended_product_ids | recommended_product_array}}






























You can use helpers in 2 different format. If you need to change variable only, you can use 1. option. If you need to change text block you can use 2. option.

1-) {{name | @uppercase}} Returns : JOHN

2-) {{@uppercase}} hEllO {{name}} {{/@uppercase}} Returns : HELLO JOHN